"Points" methods - Stomach Fullness
Measurement principles

Stomach fullness is judged according to a discrete 7-step scale ranging from "nil" to "all". This scale translates into relative values between 0% and 100% represented by corresponding "points".

Qualitative Nil Traces Little Some Half 3/4 All
% 0 6.3 12.5 25 50 75 100
Points 0 1 2 4 8 12 16
Stomach fullness

Stomach fullness of each individual i under investigation (i = 1, 2, 3.....n) is expressed by the stomach fullness index SFIi on the points scale from 0-16 according to the ratio of volume of food in the stomach to stomach volume. The table below gives some orientation.

Stomach SFIi (points)
empty 0
traces of food 1
little food 2
some food 4
half filled 8
almost filled 12
stuffed 16